If you've landed here, chances are you or someone you know has Asperger Syndrome. It might be your child, your spouse, grandchild, niece or nephew who has received or is awaiting the result of one of the fastest growing psychiatric diagnoses of our time.

You might be a teacher just informed that your class is to have a child with additional needs, or perhaps you're a health professional wanting a better understanding of how your clients view their world and your place within it.

Regardless of your background or connection with Asperger Syndrome, I hope this website adds to your understanding of how this different way of thinking can affect all aspects of a person’s life.

The Hidden Diffability series has been written to fill a gap for Australian families. While Asperger Syndrome does not recognise international borders, the methods for obtaining an assessment, funding, and practical and emotional support does change from country to country. Our health care system, schools and social support mechanisms are different to those in America and the United Kingdom, and it is information about these services that families most need when a loved one is first diagnosed. And so I have created the series Australian Stories of Asperger Syndrome.

So, what is Asperger Syndrome?



To me Aspergers is not a disability. It is a difference in brain wiring, not a defect, and so I like to call it a ‘diff-ability’. Unlike other differences such as skin colour, height, sight or physical mobility, it cannot be immediately seen. There is no wheelchair, guide dog, or crutch to provide signals. This diffability is invisible, unless a person’s behaviour is showing!

So I’ve coined the phrase The Hidden Diffability.


About the Book Series

The Hidden Diffability Series

The Hidden Diffability: Discovering Aspergers

The Hidden Diffability: Aspergers At School

The Hidden Diffability: Everyday Aspergers



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Further Help

For more articles on Aspergers, and links to useful sites, please go to 'Aspergers' at the top of the page, and use the drop down menu.