About The Hidden Diffability Series
In my book series, The Hidden Diffability, I have included a wide range of voices and viewpoints in a collection of Australian Stories about Aspergers Syndrome. I've interviewed parents of young children and teenagers, mothers of the often-forgotten girls with AS, children and adults with AS, their siblings and grandparents, as well as a number of health professionals.
The Hidden Diffability illuminates the misunderstood journey families face when a loved one is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. From the turbulence of diagnosis, the maze of therapies and funding options, the trials of finding the right schools, supports and advice, through to everyday success stories, Lyndel Kennedy has combined 15 family interviews with personal and professional experience and extensive research to provide a much-needed Australian resource. The Hidden Diffability enables parents, carers and individuals with Aspergers to share strategies and successes—you are not alone in the challenging journey along the Autism Spectrum.
In The Series
The Hidden Diffability: Discovering Aspergers covers the beginning of the Asperger journey, regardless of age: first signs, getting a diagnosis, sharing the diagnosis, presenting Aspergers to peers, current therapies and interventions, funding and support, and finally a look at the positives of being an 'Aspie'. It also includes an extensive glossary, full diagnostic criteria, and recommended reading and resources.
The Hidden Diffability: Aspergers at School covers the journey through the school years: finding a school, transitions, teacher training, modifying the curriculum, integration aides, frenemies, camps and exams.
The Hidden Diffability: Everyday Aspergers will cover the strategies that make a difference to daily living: sleep, food, medication, family traits, sibling skirmishes, anxiety, travel, sport, social attitudes, empathy, and finish with a fascinating look at some very passionate interests.
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