New Directions

A super quick update today - After spending May 2017 to December 2018 doing the Graduate Diploma of Psychology at Monash University, I’m now half-way through the 4th year (Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours )) at La Trobe University where I’m doing a research thesis on language development in young children with emergent autism, supervised by the fabulous Drs Kristelle Hudry and Jodie Smith. I’m so incredibly fortunate to be studying with some of Australia’s leading autism researchers at Australia’s first autism research centre, the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC), and I’ve made some wonderful new study buddies along the way. There’s something about people drawn to psychology careers a little later in life …

I’m also looking forward to some presentations I’ve been asked to give in September, including one teaching into the 3rd year psychology subject dedicated to ASD. Did you know La Trobe is the only university in Australia which offers an entire unit on ASD?