A few months ago I was asked to help write and edit a wellbeing resource for NDIS / DisabilityCare. It has just been made available to the public, and looks fantastic. I hope you'll take a few moments to read through it, and hopefully gain some great tips for taking care of yourself.
As the flight attendant always says, 'Please fit your own mask before helping others'. Without good self care (physical and emotional) we are less able to help and support our loved ones. Parenting and/or partnering someone with Aspergers is a lifelong gig, full of rich rewards, but nevertheless tiring at times.
You can find the resource here.
Please share as widely as you can.
If you'd like to share your best wellbeing strategies with me, I'd love to include them in my next two books in the Hidden Diffability series. You can send me an email by clicking here.