"normal" is a cycle on your washing machine

I just had to share this quote with you!  

It's from Nelle Francis, Australian author, blogger and parent of a child with Asperger Syndrome.  You can read more about her titles at www.aspergerchild.com.  She also produces a regular email newsletter which you can subscribe to from her website.

I'm still under house arrest, as my spinal fracture is taking the full 12 weeks to heal, not the six I was originally hoping for.  The immobilisation sure makes parenting a more interesting challenge than usual!  And my Hidden Diff ability book is still struggling along.  Once I can sit at my desk for longer periods I will be giving it my full attention.

As usual, see the latest news for seminars, events and AS friendly products at our ASSN website, www.assnvic.org.au
